Trout was nicely active and so were we - Flyfisherman!
While Slovenian rivers still haven`t meet any visiting anglers (due to Corona prohibition of travel and accommodate), local anglers have been seeing some very nice fly fishing days on the rivers that had been open during month March! While the 1st half of March was all about the Streamer fishing, last week already saw few nice hatches of Ephemera specie and also some interest of the fish to rise on them! Temperatures are climbing up towards 23 degrees Celsius and bugs are more and more active! Our last series of the Leech-like Streamers was a total success, landing several big Trout, amongst them also one stunning Lake Trout caught by our FFB contributor Mr. B.Flis - congratulations! The beast had over 10lbs! Showing high awareness of our FFB Team members, we volunteer to clean the river banks of the Sava Bohinjka - to keep the beauty river clean as much as possible and to be well dressed-up for the Grand opening of the 2021 Fly fishing season with April 1st! The pollution of the river banks did not look dramatic, nevertheless, we still managed to fill up 4 60L bags of plastic! During the drift on the Sava Bohinjka we had seen some very nice Trout representatives and some nice Graylings - which is are in the spawning time as we speak. We all hope that the Lock-down for the Flyfishing tourism will be ending soonest, enabling us to meet you guys again! Stay tuned, next days will bring more news regarding the Corona measurements and 2021 Flyfishing Season opening!